Dollars (USD) to Tether (USDT) exchange

Our service helps to make any exchange safely and quickly.


Icon currency take

Cash Kyiv USD

Amount *

Min:  5135.00


Max:  102700.00


Icon currency give


Rate: 1.027: 1

Amount *

Reserve:  2299462.39

Your name
Your Telegram

In the era of cryptocurrencies, there are more and more new needs for investors and traders. One of them is a fast and safe exchange of dollars to USDT (Tether). service offers optimal conditions for such transactions. In this article, we will tell you why to choose this platform and what advantages it offers.

Benefits of

  • Guaranteed Security Compliance with all security norms and standards makes a reliable partner for cryptocurrency exchange. Modern encryption methods ensure the protection of your personal information and funds.

  • The platform offers up-to-date and favourable exchange rates with minimal or no exchange fees. This allows you to maximise the benefits of each transaction.

  • Fast and Efficient The online exchanger is able to process your request in the shortest possible time, depending on the parameters of the request.

  • Full Transparency Our service operates without hidden fees and unexpected charges, providing full transparency of every transaction. provides flexible options for exchanging dollars and USDT, including online and offline methods. 

Online Exchange (via Visa/Mastercard and Perfect Money)

  1. Registration and Login: If you do not have an account, create one at Log in to your account.

  2. Select Exchange Direction: In the exchange section, select the direction “Dollars → USDT” or “USDT → Dollars”.

  3. Clarifying Details: Enter the amount to be exchanged and select the payment method (Visa/Mastercard or Perfect Money).

  4. Confirmation and Payment: Check all entered data and confirm the transaction. Make the payment from the selected payment instrument.

  5. Receipt of Funds: After successful payment and transaction confirmation, USDT will be credited to your cryptocurrency wallet or dollars will be sent to your Perfect Money card/account.

  6. Completing the Transaction: After completing all steps, you will receive a notification that the transaction has been successfully completed.

Offline Exchange (Cash Dollars)

  1. Contact the Operator: Write to the operator in Telegram @exchange_bulldog to update the course.

  2. Forming an Application: Form an application in Telegram or on the site, specifying the direction of the exchange, the amount, and the city where you plan to make the exchange.

  3. Confirmation and Instructions: Get a confirmation from the operator, along with the code and address of the physical exchanger.

  4. Cryptocurrency Transfer: If you are exchanging USDT for dollars, make a USDT transfer from your smartphone to the details provided by the operator.

  5. Cash Exchange: Arrive at the exchanger's address, provide the code and pick up the cash dollars. Or vice versa, provide cash dollars to receive USDT to your cryptocurrency wallet.

  6. Confirmation of Completion: You will be notified when the exchange has been completed.

To exchange USDT to dollars or dollars to USDT, is an excellent choice, providing reliability, speed and favourable terms.


📌 How do I get started exchange of dollars to USDT with

How do I get started exchange of dollars to USDT with

📌 Can I do the exchange of dollars to USDT in another city?

Yes, when forming the application, please specify the city in which you want to make the exchange.

📌 How long does the exchange of dollars to USDT process take?

Exchange time can vary depending on the cryptocurrency and network load. It usually takes from a few minutes to a few hours.